
Showing posts from January, 2015

Giving Good Advice- Peer Feedback in Primary

In a recent M.Ed. class our topic was on conducting a peer review for scholarly writing. We discussed how important it is to set aside adequate time, ensure appropriate tone (difference between negative and constructive feedback), and going beyond the micro level issues (conventions) to macro issues (ideas, evidence, organization) when reviewing writing samples. Each of us had a very different take on what it feels like to give and receive feedback which was an interesting point of discussion. Feelings included apprehension of presenting writing/fear of judgement, lack of experience providing critiques, and insecurity offering true critical advice. This got me thinking - wouldn't all this be true for peer feedback, even with the youngest of learners? When I returned to school the next day, I took a closer look at some of the feedback grade 2 classmates had been giving each other in writing (we often offer stars and wishes for each other). I saw a lot of "Good job!", &qu

Reflections to Start a New Year

Over the past few days I have been thinking a lot about where I am, how I got here, and where I'm going. Preparing to begin my final M.Ed. capstone course has prompted me to look back at projects, posts, and reflections from 2014. A large portion of this course is devoted to gathering artifacts based upon program goals and reflecting on their personal and professional impact. I can't help but think back to some of my more recent 'ah has'. This past year I have learned about the value of play and importance of mindfulness not only for my students but also for my own well-being. It is through being in the moment that we are able to make connections with others and experience unexpected learning opportunities. The minute to minute nature of being a classroom teacher can sometimes stand in the way of this. A goal for myself this year is to remember this and truly be in the classroom. This past year I also had the opportunity to be involved with a number of WCDSB committees